Industries / Health 

Today’s hospitals have to cope with very strict internal processes, in addition to strict regulatory requirements. That’s why we work with them to develop software solutions that improve every aspect of patient care.

430bnMarket Value Medical Technology Industry
8.5bnInvestment on Medtech
4bnMarket Wearable Device
Health Tech
Health Tech


Case Study


A major customer in the health sector needed a solution of a software system and a reengineering of the hardware for a dental chromo photographer. Abinsula put in play its IoT, Embedded and digital supply chain to support the customer in choosing BOM (bill of materials) in the development of a software and its custom libraries. Thanks to these activities the chromatograph has passed the obsolescence stage to become fully functional.


Case Study

For Inpeco – a leading company in the process automation sector for clinical analysis laboratories – we have collaborated in the realization of projects for samples traceability and chain of information custody. In particular, Abinsula has supported the customer in the following areas: Software design for printing labels for test tubes and related communication protocols. Considering the complexity of the sector and the target audience, Abinsula has particularly committed itself in  developing mobile and web applications on the two main operating systems, implementing software quality processes aligned with the complexity of the application domain; Software development for Pathological Anatomy tracing samples. Abinsula supported the adoption of the OpenEHR health data interoperability standard in the development of web software to maximize the amount of data collected thus optimizing the effectiveness of their detection and analysis; Development of applications for sharing clinical data with patients. Abinsula is supporting Inpeco in the development of a web portal and a mobile application for accessing personal data after secure authentication with devices equipped with the Public Digital Identity System and the National Service Card, also dealing with data management (docker) and storage (cloud Azure) in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.


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Abinsula has supported the creation of a custom linux distribution, able to make all peripherals available.

Our Process


Abinsula provides senior-level talent to help fast-moving, nearshore technology companies start and scale their development quickly. Our development team will be able to integrate seamlessly with your team, which after an initial phase, will be able to internalize the process, organization and purpose of their work. An Agile team is autonomous and is able to self-organize thanks to collaboration: a predominant feature for agile teams. Our developers will represent a 100% extension of your team on site. They will be perfectly synchronized and always available.



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